I've been disturbed recently by this ruqyah thing. A friend of mine went nuts and jumped from the second floor of her apartment (about 9 meters) after joining this group and did whatever they told her to do. Fortunately and oddly enough this friend of mine didn't die of the accident. She didn't even get injured. That's strange and hard to believe since she's always been complaining about her weak bones. All she said after the acrobatic action was: "Oh,,, it was not a good way to die". What the Heck??? Her room-mates had to watch over her 24 hours a day after the "incident" because she didn't seem to give up from trying to kill her self.
That wasn't all the story. Days before the real action, she often cried for nothing, talked about foolish things and animals. She even thought herself was an animal; sometimes she was a horse sometimes she was a cat. Sometime later her room-mates were all animals. She cried when she saw a dog or a cat and said that she felt sorry for them. Her attitude was completely not making any sense. She was just an ordinary normal girl before they made her join this stupid ruqyah thing.
I do believe in the correct and save ruqyah that should only be used to heal someone possessed by a jinn. Basically it's to expulse and to kick out the jinn from the possessed one. That's the real Ruqyah [prayers, supplications] is for. If you do otherwise and invite the jinn to enter a human body for whatever purpose; then you are a sick person. Getting close to jinn by any mean and for any purpose is forbidden witchcraft.
Another friend of mine came to my apartment last night and told me that her seniors keep telling her to be treated "ruqyah". I asked her: "why do they think you need a ruqyah treatment? Are you possessed by a jinn? I don't see anything wrong with you". She told me that what they call ruqyah here is not that kind of exorcism to expulse a jinn from a possessed one using prayers and by reciting some quranic verses. This one is just exactly the opposite of the correct ruqyah; they invite a jinn to enter someone's body. I shouted; What the F### for? Why do they want to enter a jinn into your body? Are you that bad? Do they hate you that much? Are you so annoying to them that they want you to die by jumping from the balcony of your apartment?
She just laughed and then explained to me what these people are really doing. They invented this method to - according to them - help people understand themselves and find their bad characters (muhasabah/introspection). They do it by inviting a jinn to enter one's body (don't ask me how they do it, coz i don't have slightest idea), once the jinn is already inside (possessed) the body of that person, the WITCH starts asking that person some questions or let the possessed person to talk. Heck!!! Where's the sense in that? It just defies common sense. When you are possessed by a jinn then you are unconscious. How would you understand yourself if you are made unconscious? And if there are words coming out from your mouth while you are possessed, it's definitely not you who is talking, it's the freaking jin. Jin and iblis are notorious for being liars.
Supposed the jin speaks honestly about the possessed person, is that the only way to understand yourself? Don't you have brain? Aren't you a sensible person? After God, your creator, you are the only one knows most about yourself. Why do you need a jinn to tell you about your self? Don't you believe that human is god's best creature?
As i mentioned above, ruqyah [prayers, supplications] is not inviting jin nor seeking help from them, it is to protect us from the evil eye, black magic, jinn etc. Inviting jinn to enter one's body or to seek help from jinn is forbidden. Having any deal with jinn is witchcraft and constitutes shirk. If anybody uses the word ruqyah while what he practices is dealing with jinn then he is an evil witch.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “There is no ruqyah except in the case of the evil eye or fever.” al-Tirmidhi, 2057; Abu Dawood, 3884.
The angel Gabriel used to do ruqyah for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and say, “Bismillaahi arqeeka min kulli shay’in yu’dheeka, min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin haasid Allaahu yashfeek, bismillaahi arqeek (In the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you, from everything that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye may Allaah heal you, in the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you).”

@ Dua Alinea terakhir (hadits) dikutip dari muslimconverts dot com
@Image Evil Eye lupa ngambil dari mana hehehe,,,
That wasn't all the story. Days before the real action, she often cried for nothing, talked about foolish things and animals. She even thought herself was an animal; sometimes she was a horse sometimes she was a cat. Sometime later her room-mates were all animals. She cried when she saw a dog or a cat and said that she felt sorry for them. Her attitude was completely not making any sense. She was just an ordinary normal girl before they made her join this stupid ruqyah thing.
I do believe in the correct and save ruqyah that should only be used to heal someone possessed by a jinn. Basically it's to expulse and to kick out the jinn from the possessed one. That's the real Ruqyah [prayers, supplications] is for. If you do otherwise and invite the jinn to enter a human body for whatever purpose; then you are a sick person. Getting close to jinn by any mean and for any purpose is forbidden witchcraft.
Another friend of mine came to my apartment last night and told me that her seniors keep telling her to be treated "ruqyah". I asked her: "why do they think you need a ruqyah treatment? Are you possessed by a jinn? I don't see anything wrong with you". She told me that what they call ruqyah here is not that kind of exorcism to expulse a jinn from a possessed one using prayers and by reciting some quranic verses. This one is just exactly the opposite of the correct ruqyah; they invite a jinn to enter someone's body. I shouted; What the F### for? Why do they want to enter a jinn into your body? Are you that bad? Do they hate you that much? Are you so annoying to them that they want you to die by jumping from the balcony of your apartment?
She just laughed and then explained to me what these people are really doing. They invented this method to - according to them - help people understand themselves and find their bad characters (muhasabah/introspection). They do it by inviting a jinn to enter one's body (don't ask me how they do it, coz i don't have slightest idea), once the jinn is already inside (possessed) the body of that person, the WITCH starts asking that person some questions or let the possessed person to talk. Heck!!! Where's the sense in that? It just defies common sense. When you are possessed by a jinn then you are unconscious. How would you understand yourself if you are made unconscious? And if there are words coming out from your mouth while you are possessed, it's definitely not you who is talking, it's the freaking jin. Jin and iblis are notorious for being liars.
Supposed the jin speaks honestly about the possessed person, is that the only way to understand yourself? Don't you have brain? Aren't you a sensible person? After God, your creator, you are the only one knows most about yourself. Why do you need a jinn to tell you about your self? Don't you believe that human is god's best creature?
As i mentioned above, ruqyah [prayers, supplications] is not inviting jin nor seeking help from them, it is to protect us from the evil eye, black magic, jinn etc. Inviting jinn to enter one's body or to seek help from jinn is forbidden. Having any deal with jinn is witchcraft and constitutes shirk. If anybody uses the word ruqyah while what he practices is dealing with jinn then he is an evil witch.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “There is no ruqyah except in the case of the evil eye or fever.” al-Tirmidhi, 2057; Abu Dawood, 3884.
The angel Gabriel used to do ruqyah for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and say, “Bismillaahi arqeeka min kulli shay’in yu’dheeka, min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin haasid Allaahu yashfeek, bismillaahi arqeek (In the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you, from everything that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye may Allaah heal you, in the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you).”
@ Dua Alinea terakhir (hadits) dikutip dari muslimconverts dot com
@Image Evil Eye lupa ngambil dari mana hehehe,,,
waduh...bukan kapasitas saya ngasih komentar....
saya mah ngeri rukyah2 an...kayak gini...
banyak bgt metoda kyk gini utk nyembuhin org.....
Wallahualam Bissawab....
Mas... kok yang di posting ngeri banget gitu sih...
injured... ruqyah...
anyway... bagaimanapun juga itu adalah sisi lain dari kehidupan.
eh, mas... acara pentas seni dan budaya se jawa madura nanti nampilin apa?? sekali2 nampil sebagai gitaris solo gitu lah mas!!
Ur face looks like Steve Vai... hehehe...
atau paling gak nyanyikan lagu2nya Haggard atau Helloween gitu kek?? biar tak foto2...
i have seen the worst of this kind of thing. it happened to one of my close friend. i felt the same way just like you did. it's weird. very weird and doesn't make any sense at all.
well, i guess i'm not that weird compared with these kind of people...
i agree with fuddy that it's part of a rainbow of a life, and for people to get lessons out of it; hence the person shall be praised and thanked, instead of criticized, as he or she had sacrificed for others.
Wah om ini, gak denger gosip terbaru Masisir.
Itu tanggal 29 maret ada pagelaran seni dan budaya se jawa-madura besar2an di kuliya tib, acara gituan kan om biasanya tampil dengan rambut steve vai-nya kayak beberapa waktu lalu, om tampil live acoustic sama cewek...
wah payah om, aku gak punya alat2nya. jangankan gitar elektrik, gitar acoustic un kami tak punya. hehehehehehehehehe.........
kasian, tiap ada apa-apa dengan manusia setan iblis terus yang disalahkan.
eh, boleh tukar link boss?
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ach saya gak kasih komen, cuma kasih info aja kalau saya udah ketemu dgn temannya mas Alex yg namanya bu Dewi di Brussel. Salam
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nggak comment dulu, cuma mau nanya...kemana aja ? udah lulus ?
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hi, it's been sometimes; hope all is well there. salam.
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