The Prisoner Of Consciousness
Abdul Kareem Nabil Suleyman better known as Kareem Amer on blogger, a former student of Islamic jurisprudence at Al-Azhar University is the first Egyptian blogger to be tried for the contents of his blog. He was arrested again and detained pending investigation since 7 november 2006 for the charge of spreading information disruptive of public order, incitement to hate Muslims, and insulting the president. He had frequently posted articles criticizing Islam and the authorities at Al-Azhar.

Fisrt time he was arrested on October 26, 2005 after posting comments on his blog criticizing The muslim rioters and Islam refer to a deadly sectarian riots few days earlier at a district of Alexandria called mohram bek where his family lives. He was then held for 12 days without charge. In March 2006, a disciplinary board at Al-Azhar found him guilty of blaspheming Islam and ordered him expelled from the university
He said in the last post on his blog before he was arrested again that he's never been interested in religion and was forced by his father to attend Al Azhar. He wrote:
فعندما إلتحقت للدراسة بالأزهر بناءا على رغبة والدىَّ ، و على الرغم من رفضى التام للأزهر وللفكر الدينى
And said he was ready to take any responsibility for what he's done. He seemed conviced that what he did willl lead him to an arrest. Now he faces up to nine years in prison. He wrote:
لست خائفا على الإطلاق ، فسعادتى بأن أعداء الفكر الحر يتعاملون معىبهذه الأساليب التى لا يجيدها سوى المفلسون فكريا تجعلنى أشد ثقة فى نفسى وأكثر ثباتا على مبادئى وعلى أتم إستعداد لمواجهة أى شىء فى سبيل التعبير عن رأيي الحر
People always tend to exaggerate in anything. To be honest and objective is a luxury. Karem is not innocent and a hundred percent honest. Some of what he stated on his writing is indeed a blasphemy and defamation. But the reaction from Egyptian government and Al Azhar is way too much.
No matter what crime Karem had comitted - if expressing one's views is considered a crime - he should have a fair trial and his demand (right) to see his family and lawyers should not be denied.
Wallahu A'lam
Comments are welcome in Bahasa Indonesia, English and Arabic.

Fisrt time he was arrested on October 26, 2005 after posting comments on his blog criticizing The muslim rioters and Islam refer to a deadly sectarian riots few days earlier at a district of Alexandria called mohram bek where his family lives. He was then held for 12 days without charge. In March 2006, a disciplinary board at Al-Azhar found him guilty of blaspheming Islam and ordered him expelled from the university
He said in the last post on his blog before he was arrested again that he's never been interested in religion and was forced by his father to attend Al Azhar. He wrote:
فعندما إلتحقت للدراسة بالأزهر بناءا على رغبة والدىَّ ، و على الرغم من رفضى التام للأزهر وللفكر الدينى
And said he was ready to take any responsibility for what he's done. He seemed conviced that what he did willl lead him to an arrest. Now he faces up to nine years in prison. He wrote:
لست خائفا على الإطلاق ، فسعادتى بأن أعداء الفكر الحر يتعاملون معىبهذه الأساليب التى لا يجيدها سوى المفلسون فكريا تجعلنى أشد ثقة فى نفسى وأكثر ثباتا على مبادئى وعلى أتم إستعداد لمواجهة أى شىء فى سبيل التعبير عن رأيي الحر
People always tend to exaggerate in anything. To be honest and objective is a luxury. Karem is not innocent and a hundred percent honest. Some of what he stated on his writing is indeed a blasphemy and defamation. But the reaction from Egyptian government and Al Azhar is way too much.
No matter what crime Karem had comitted - if expressing one's views is considered a crime - he should have a fair trial and his demand (right) to see his family and lawyers should not be denied.
Wallahu A'lam
Comments are welcome in Bahasa Indonesia, English and Arabic.
Beda banget ya ama disini (indo), org mo komen apa aja bebas, njelek2in org diblog, bebas... Disini hukum bisa dibayar, yang punya duit yg menang, bukan yg benar yg menang.
Itu yg tulisan arab, terjemahannya yg bawahnya bukan ya?
Btw thank you for your comment in my blog. Salam kenal...
Yang di bawah teks arab yang saya kutip dari blog-nya Karem Amer bukan terjemahannya.
Terjemahan teks arab yang pertama begini: "Maka ketika saya mulai kuliah di Al Azhar karena menuruti kemauan orang tua saya meskipun bertentangan dengan hati saya yang sama sekali menentang Al Azhar dan fikiran keagamaan",,,
Teks arab kedua terjemahannya gini: "Saya sama sekali tidak merasa takut (gentar), Saya gembira mendapati bahwa hanya Orang2 picik yang memperlakukan saya seperti sekarang ini dan justru menguatkasn hati saya akan kebenaran keyakinan saya dan menjadikan saya semakin siap menghadapi apapun demi kebebasan berekspresi".
Teima kasih juga Rey.
Duh ikut prihatin , hanya karena comment aja resikonya segitu .....
tadi ngelink ke kareem Amer , sayangnya blognya berbahasa arab / tulisan Arab , serasa aku nyasar di planet Mars , hehehe
Makasih dah di terjemahkan yg tulisan arabnya , kalau nggak nggak bakalan ngerti isi komplet postingannya .
di blog aja susah berapresiasi yah, bisa jadi klo dia ngluarin pendapat secara langsung bisa dihukum gantung.
Begitu mahalnya harga sebuah kejujuran.
Koq gak bisa buka laporan lengkapnya yach?...
iiihh kumisnya tebal amat yak..
ngeri yak om alex......
mau berapresiasi aja kho ampe segitunya?
hahaha.....bener jeng dian, yg pake kumis tebal itu yg dapet doorprize bulan ini, (kudu dilingkarin merah tuh om...hehehe)
Hosni Mubarak dan Pak Harto khan satu perguruan..///
Hallo mas Alex,
Setuju, reaksi pihak yang berwenang terlalu berlebihan. Wajah Islam akhirnya jadi tipikal begitu. Media barat makin senang saja karena anggapan mereka tentang Islam benar adanya: agama yang keras dan nggak kenal ampun. nggak demokratis. Padahal, kan nggak begitu sama sekali.
Btw, mas Alex, salam kenal ya. Nice to know this blog.
jika satu jalan dibarengkan,
itu tidak akan pernah terjadi,
biarkan saja itu mengalir seperti
kebebasan yang ada dipeluangkan,
diolah, dan karena hidup ya untuk
mengolah hidup,
smoga suatu saat harga kejujuran ga lg mahal biar semua yg suka boong jadi brubah jujur :D
It's just impossible to safely express opinion like what we have today under new order regime.
When dialogue is dead, truth is monopolized by those who are in power and thus to have different opinion is a deadly sin, the society is severely sick, and a major surgery is needed.
For us, just keep guard of what we have, as it's really precious. People probably don't know or forgot already the sufferings of many activists when they were interogated at Jl. Guntur and other dark places.
Their sacrifices were probably unnoticed and forgotten by human, but not by the Forces. MGB them in peace.
di indo bisa ngeblog bebas kan baru2 ini aja, dulu dikit2 ya dibrangus :(
ya karena dulu di indon belon ada blog mbak-yu, ah gmn... wong duit sewu ae dipecah jd dua jeh :p
Mana postingan baru ??? lagi patah hati ya , terlalu kangen istri ??? hihihihi ...
pasang shoutbox dong biar gampang tinggalin message ...........
met wiken aja deh ( salam buat istri ya ...sok kenal aja )
Jiancuk! Aku tinggal sebulan saja blog ini sudah jadi lebih hebat lagi. Ck ck ck... Bagi-bagi infonya dong, Mbak Yu!
Blog, memang seharusnya menjadi ajang kreatifitas bagi siapapun, juga sebagai senjata bagi siapapun untuk turut bertempur dalam Battle of Thought. Jadi menurut saya, berani ngeblog berarti secara langsung ikut andil dalam perang warna-warni pemikiran.
Kalau om alex ini saya yakin pengetahuan dan pengalamannya cukup luas, sehingga bisa dikatakan ia adalam Blogger garda depan. hehehehe
->Mas Nadhiefh,jelas kalau blognya om alex jauh lebih hebat timbang blog anda yang mirip tahu kuning kediri itu. hehehehe
oo ini yang sempat jadi topik itu toh...
kebenaran kayanya memang milik penguasa...
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